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04 May 2016

Who's Who?: Miriam Defensor-Santiago

05/03/16 11:07:40 PM

A few days left before the much awaited 2016 Presidential elections in the Philippines, and amidst calls for several white and black propaganda circulating the country's political scene, it made me feel like I am still undecided as fuck on who's deserving to receive my very much deserving ballot to become the upcoming President of this democratic republic.

Well, not totally. Of all the five hopefuls, I'm pretty sure some of us have already cast their choices since day 1 of the campaign period. Some may have been decided way earlier.

But anyway, who's who? Who's the deserving and on the other hand is undeserving?

Let's take at look at the first.
Miriam Defensor-Santiago may be one of the sharpest personality I have known, but her health became a deciding factor on why I strayed away from rooting for her. Yes, she is smart, and straightforward. She could crack pick-up lines and throw blockbuster-like soundbytes.

She has the brain and balls. She even claimed taking death threats for breakfast, and her qualifications is so superb that only Rodrigo Duterte can fare up with her.

She was once a commissioner for the immigration and deportation; served as the  Legal Officer of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees at Geneva, Switzerland; the youngest judge appointed to Metro Manila under then-President Ferdinand Marcos; and as a cabinet secretary under the adminsitration of Corazon Aquino.

Miriam was also about to be part of the International Criminal Court, but begged off for the position few years later due to her health. Somehow, it's more stressful world out there. But still, why;d you still pick to do more of politics in this country for potentially, next six years?

Does it looked like her books Stupid is Forever (and MORE) a sort of propaganda to boost your run?

On her tenure with senate, she may have missed several sessions but Defensor-Santiago was one of the few legislature members who authored many bills tat includes cybercrime, reproductive health, sin tax, climate change, magna carta and whole lot more.

She also opposed the impeachment of the Chief Justice Renato Corona, a very unpopular decision way back then. Her appearance as the senator-judge hyped everyone from viewing public to trending topic-setters, but also the dictation of the case itself. It was boring on her absence, attributing to her fierceness.

And despite a massive support from the voting population, she came up short against eventual winner Fidel V. Ramos. The aftermath saw her berating she's been cheated; yet it was not proven either because of the nature of underground truth or because the election jury defied the outcome as final.

At one point, she threw an hyperbole saying she will jump from an airplane if Joseph Estrada will resign; much to the irate of literally-believing (and satire-uncomprehending) Filipinos. Well, yeah he did. What happened, madam?

Also, she mulled her withdrawal from the political arena when her son committed suicide. But upon going back, she looked stronger. Even if you argue why she hadn't stick to her word, because that is Philippine politics for you.

And you might wonder that she was heck-Wonder Woman-like for surviving a freak accident in 1991; almost costing her life upon recovering from a jaw surgery.

But even if she argued that even the sick can never be deprived from running for a post, it still makes me wonder how she would rule, considering her state of health. It even shows during the last Presidential Debate. Should she won the election, it's gonna be tough job right there. Imagine six stressful years, no wonder why some of the state head's health seemed deteriorating when they step down.

And we can only pray for her health, and a better winner of the vice-presidential race.

Author: slickmaster | (c) 2016 september twenty-eight productions

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