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27 March 2009


Originally published 03/27/2009 11:13 PM
Re-updated 6/21/2014 10:45:14 AM

So, it's already 11 pm here.As of press time another semester was ended; and so was the first half of my four year adventure in college.

I was supposed to make this post before I formally went out-of-town last Wednesday. To all the participants and winner of the Dramafest, regardless of how many have you got (or what) congratulations! We had just proved our stuff to the world.

And to the people of Gold Catch Productions, what a nice outing, haha! (pics will be soon to be uploaded... as long as i have the copy of it from my homie Paul). I never expected that anyone had appreciated or enjoyed your stay at my place... haha!

Anyway, summer is here... so I'm gotta step back for a while. Look for a job (hopefully even if it takes to cooperate with my summer classes), and  watch the playoffs on TV! And lastly, saying congratulations to my sister whom will graduate tomorrow amidst of its name problems at the records.

Anyway, gotta get out for now! Peace to all the people of the world.

(Originally titled as "03.27.2009")

Author: slickmaster | © 2009, 2014 september twenty-eight productions

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