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Friday, April 15, 2016

Flick Review: Whistleblower

04/14/2016 05:40:48 PM

Whistleblower is a motion picture produed by Tony Gloria's Unitel Productions in cooperation with Quento Media. It tells the pork barrel scam in the fictuous way possible.

Prior to seeing this movie, the movie reviews seemed contradictory to its good cause. Most of them were average to negative for one reason or another.

I beg to differ—even for a bit, though. While Whistleblower lacked in its length and portrayals aren't that compelling, this picture clearly showed what's the problem with our society. We have a very slow judiciary system. We have a very selective one.

However, there is something more beyond what our eyes might used to see. There is always two sides of a sotry. There is always a reason for one's flawed attitude. There's always a reason for a decision made—morally-good or bad at all. In fact, it depicted how Lorna was a victim of her personal greed which triggered infidelity, unfair labor pratcices, staying under-the-table, and mudslinging. At the end, on her sudden ambush proved that there are people who's more evil than her.

It all takes a matter of reading between the lines; configuring the confusions, but all the conclusions could only get in your mind alone.

The other side also shown how truth, in our idealistic eyes, can never be as absolute. It slaps us back to reality; the censorship.

And how an accountant like Zeny, after being abused a lot of times, could fight back. But with reservations. She herself is not innocent and could never spare herself from innocence.

You see how things went awry and complicated as fuck? But the way the events turned out, and how the movie took complex of paths along the way, proved how tricky and confusing our society is right now. While we could only do is a “trial by publicity,” it doesn't even guarantee us the absolute truth and righteousness. It just sucked right there.

But as Panagniban's role exposure shrunk, with too many flashback devices, and a sudden flipping of the cards, I could still say Whsitleblower is still worth the money. I don't think I was robbed or scammed on this one.

It wasn't just presented the way a lot of us wanted. It went abrupt somewhere. But give them effort for showing this as promising.

Verdict: 5.7

Author: slickmaster | (c) 2016 september twenty-eight productions

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