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07 April 2010

Just my opinion: Rivals on a political family

Just my opinion: Rivals on a political family
By n.d. a.k.a. nestor
17:52 / 05:52 p.m.

Perhaps this is something that is unusual in the issues of election. Conflicts between father and son who both run for one position: being a representative of legislation district of a city/province.

San Rafael, Bulacan was the venue of this political arena. And the involved people are within a family. They are Ricardo Sr. and Ricky Silverio Jr. Yes, it is kinda surprising though to read one set of paper which tackles the disqualification or as the declaration of a nuisance candidate case of a latter filed by the older Silverio, whom knows as “Tata Carding.” As shown on the Resolution of the Commission (Second Division) of the petition case between the two parties promulgated February 18, 2010.

According to the said document, there were conflicts between the place of residence of the respondent (who happens to be Ricky), saying that he was not residing around the vicinity of San Agustin, San Rafael, Bulacan. Instead, he appears to be living on Makati City, which means that he was not a resident of the province’s third legislative district. This is something I’ll say a valid reason why the case was filed and eventually concluded by a decision and at least, not on dismiss-ion.

Other concern case is the fact that should Tata Carding’s son runs for a congressional position; this would cause confusions to the voters of the said area. I think this is something that usually happened a lot of times over the course of the election period.

However, I’ll just say my take for this: I think it is better to let this issue put to rest and let the family solve its problem by means of the so-called respecting privacy.

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