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03 August 2011

Depressive stage of mind and heart.

Depressive stage of mind and heart.

08:47 a.m.


Perhaps, it’s been a long while since the last time I wrote in this blog about anything beyond my personal experiences. And as for that, I had just decided to do something about it and I came up with this. I’m not anyone related to psychology though but anyway.

Every human being suffers some kind of this feeling for at least a time in their lives. It can have a lot of terms though. Downfall, depression, setbacks, disappointments, sadness, etcetera etcetera. However, I can only associate them with one word: and that is heartbreak. Why? I don’t know. It’s just everything that I had gone through and get off from it was just on my personal experience and at least proper knowledge (but I can’t give you the latter though).

People get lunatic after few more mistakes. Yes, I agree. Even I turned out to be one. But I can only tell few things: every heart break doesn’t involve much on love life, and it doesn’t have to be in a relationship to suffer like one. Rejections or “busted” are counted if you can only think about it. It’s just of course part of human nature to deny every single little thing that can put us to shame. But why do people get a lot of it? Because they didn’t learn their previous mistake(s)? Maybe. But it can’t be denied that not all humans do aim for perfection and somehow that can be either good or bad in their own ways. Again, human nature. And sometimes, we have a lot of tendencies to forget mistakes while moving on. And if it goes again, it’s just like a cycle running all over again.

Me as a veteran being dumped a lot of times, whether in career, love and even on the most personal aspect of life. These cases are nothing new to me, but it doesn’t mean that you will just stand there and get lazy after a long period of time working vigorously on it. If I can’t learn a lot of mistakes to be better, therefore I am stupid. No. ‘cause not all of miscues can be learned in a single day or night. After all, everything has to go to a process unless if you’re faster than a fast-learner, something that admittedly yours truly doesn’t have. If there’s something you can blame, maybe the people around you whom have very high expectations over you. But is there anything enough basis or evidence to accuse them? Maybe yes but I think most of the time will be no. I guess I can only come up with some things after reading and watching anything related to it, which hopefully I can give you later on. I still have to do my research.

For now, I would think that I suffering a bunch of miseries, turning me depressed won’t take me long. I mean, once I have that good vibe, hopefully that will overturn everything. It’s all in a matter of having a positive mindset, surrounding people with good influences, doing good things in life that make you happy, etc. though I’m still at the recovering stage though but it’s okay.

Author: slick master | © 2011-08-03 september twenty-eight productions

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