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09 August 2011

Just my opinion: Secret talk?

Just my opinion: Secret talk?
Author: n.d. a.k.a. nestor / slick master
08/09/2011, 08:35 a.m.

There’s a secret talk between Philippine’s President Noynoy Aquino and Moro Islamic Liberation Front head held outside the country (Japan to be exact.) and as the hidden discussion has been raised, so was the reactions of the people from the different sectors.

Now I can’t really discuss much the news of it, but here’s my take anyway (since I only used to write this for my opinion but… oh, anyway.) I’m not seeing anything wrong in between if it’s about resolving the conflicts between the government and the group considering that MILF wants Mindanao to be an independent state and which means it will be like taken away from the Philippines, and the government wants to push peace talks between the two of them and in fact it has shown good signs. Well, hopefully things will prosper there, ‘cause everyone wants to hear good news for a better change in this country.

© 2011 september twenty-eight productions

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