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29 October 2011

Bullied, and bullying

10.16.2011 10:22 PM

I was inspired by a blog post of one of my college friends, whom she tackled bullying. It’s rare for one to grow without getting bullied when he was a kid. 

Well, if he was not forced, then congratulations. Yours indeed was barely a victim during my early grade school years and most high school. Though I have to admit, I bullied a few people when I was a grade school. (so it’s quits as simple as that. LOL) The only difference is that you have your right to get an authority when you are a kid, unlike when you’re in high school because you are expected to be mature enough to handle it. Maybe that was the reason why I did not enjoy much of my time then. But I’ve moved on and gone way better than in terms of building up my character.

I guess all I can say is that it’s normal, part of being a human living in human nature. You’ll eventually overcome them and became the fittest one to survive. You need to learn and feel when and where to fight back. You are a born fighter, not a born loser. Move on, kid. Get better though revenge is the worse answer. But I mean that you have to take it as a challenge on the positive side: study, work, communicate more, and it will work for good as long as you surround yourself with the so-called good vibes or environment.

Since I graduated, I have had nothing personal against the people who hurt me, unless they want a cyber fight. But I won’t give them that anyway if I feel that I’m pretty decent and better enough than they are in the first place. Just level yourself higher but not too high, though, and keep fighting.

Author: slick master | © 2011 The SlickMaster's Files

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