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15 August 2014

The Pre-Take: Champ Vs. Beast

8/10/2014 11:44:02 AM

This is one rhetorical question that is plaguing my mind right now: Is the Champion-versus-Beast match “best for business”?

Photo credits: YouTube
Yes, since Plan A was not working at all (for almost all times, perennial authority pet Randy Orton just have been ambushed by Roman Reigns when it comes to title hopes), and since Plan B has yet to occur (Seth Rollins may have been holding the Money in the Bank, but former ally and friend Dean Ambrose has been standing on his way), the Authority unleashed its dangerous resort ­­—and that’s Plan C for you: Brock Lesnar challenges the current WWE World Heavyweight title-holder John Cena in the World Wrestling Entertainment’s biggest summer extravaganza SummerSlam this Sunday evening, August 17 (Monday morning, August 18, Manila time). And yes, it’s for that prized championship.

Now, how we will fare up on this one? Is this another “real” blockbuster match, or will it turn to be just another “reel” blockbuster hype in Hollywood? Remember, SS will be held at Staples Center in Los Angeles for the sixth straight year.

But plot-wise, it's a desperation move by the Authority.

On the contrary, it's Lesnar's fitting comeback from WrestleMania 30.

And on another angle, another uphill for Cena; perhaps, much recycled rival story to deal with after almost a half-year of deliberating with Bray Wyatt. It may appear like fresher but seriously, if you Google (or Wikipedia) their history, you may even noticed like they already slugged it out for three or four times.

Alright, we already saw it a few weeks back (in fact, just a few days before WWE launched their Battleground in Tampa Bay, Florida). Now, did Amazon committed fault on publicizing this one? Maybe. In fact, we can even blame the network for unleashing their video. It could have been much better if they showed it worldwide on Monday evening after RAW. Talk about spoiling the storyline, eh?

But let’s go head-to-head anyway. Will Cena prevail yet again? Or Lesnar would run past through and crush him again as I checked out Brock’s details in Wikipedia, he already defeated Cena right before he left for UFC.

But during the WWE Extreme Rules held April 29, 2012 at the Chicago, we saw the first of Brock’s destructive arsenals despite losing at the end. Yes, even if Cena defeated him, Lesnar had completely destroyed his nemesis.

The Cenation leader had a bloody head, as well as crushed body. He’s so dangerous he can screw everyone out and leave them totally incapacitated. Remember their clash with Triple H? His backstage altercation with Shawn Michaels, and even the unthinkable during that time—confronting chairman Vince MacMahon and crushing the latter’s pelvis with a thunderous F5.

In other words, he’s been more vicious than the way he had before. In addition, he scored a huge upset over the Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX. His victory blemished an improbable record of two decade-longed dominance, sending the Deadman’s winning ways into a piece of myth, and shocking millions of fans into their disbelief.

My take for this one: I’m seeing two things. There’s a huge chance that Lesnar would win the game in terms of physique and arsenal. He's as brutal as his words, and even more than that.

However, I’m forecasting another plot: Cena may still prevail. But there could possibly be a twist: Seth Rollins might cashed in to the match since I’m pretty sure everything will be definitely be ugly for both Cena and Lesnar; however, or let’s say, moreover, in Cena’s part, it’s gonna be total inferno in accordance to summer heat

And if that happens, Plan B appeared to work at all.

Still, thing scould go work in Cena's favor. If he could handle the pain-deliverer more than what he did at Extreme Rule. And moreover, the aftermath.

Author: slickmaster | © 2014 september twenty-eight productions

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