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25 April 2015

The #NaDocdefAko Experience

4/22/2015 4:44:17 PM

Let me start this article with a question: Have You Heard Good Music Lately?

It’s weird that I am doing posts about nightlife recently. 

But here’s the thing though: it was only this year when the nocturnal in me just rejuvenated. And I mean rejuvenated by means of staying up all night, hanging out with people, and chilling out with the music playing. The third element was the very most important for me since I can’t live without music at all. Forget all the romantic shiznit (There is FOREVER in music, fools!), and the other harsh reality stuff as well.

Say, what the Helen of Troy am I talking about? 

It all started when I attend my friend’s gig which is the production group’s 61st overall since setting one in late December of 2012. It’s like “Okay, I’m gonna pay a few hundred bucks to see you perform; since it’s been a long while since the last time I saw you jamming right there at the centerstage.”

At first, I was a bit reluctant whether did I hit the wrong spot or had I mess with the wrong group of people.  I entered the place with people noticing me being a hipster-wannabe-slash-total stranger. 

But... no, I was wrong. I stayed for a night packed of rocking and rolling stuff. It was the start of something new for me: my rekindled interest in music – particular in the independent scene. 

Some of my new acquaintances even told me, “Dude, just enjoy the night; and you will hear a lot of new prized talents along the way.” And to be frank, this crew really lived up to their expectations. 

FUCK! I wasn't disappointed at all.

At 3:26 in the morning, I would have thought it (attending Docdef 61) an evening until someone approaches me: it’s the man who made the entirety possible – JB Balaquit, known to many as Doc of the Doc Def Productions

For two years, he and his group were responsible for building up the bands such as Autotelic (yes, they produced Autotelic's EP two years ago) Alasmedya, Farewell Fair Weather, Ube and even Dayaw. And based on the archives, at one point, even the likes of Mayonnaise joined them, too. 

And still, they are good in discovering talents which produces (I mean REALLY) good music for every single date possible.

Going back, I admit, at first I was a bit intimidated when he approach me (it's like, wait, he's the top guy here. Just... WOW); but hey, you know what? This proves the underground people are the nicest ones I had ever met.  I had a short chat with Doc afterwards though.

Since then, I attended their gigs later on (though sparingly due to time and priority constraints); and to be frank: their sets may not be as perfect, there may be nights wherein the sales turnout wasn't as good as anyone would expect (or perhaps, in a simplest form, only few in attendance); but that doesn't mean you will never have a good time at all. 

Mind you: the aftermath was the best part of every evening where fans and musicians get together for a while as if they don’t want to leave the venue yet. Very solid moment as it seems.

And with that roster comprised of at least seven or eight musical personality/groups (say, at once they even had eleven) performing night in and night out? That’s actually a lot more than any other gig can offer.

No wonder that Doc Def Productions was considered a game-changer in the field; to think that they were dealing with numerous offerings in a single month.

And also, it wasn't a surprise to me anymore why they won the Radio Republic Prod of the Year award at the recent 2015 Jack Daniel's On Stage Philippines Indie Music Awards.

Congratulations, Doc and the entire team. That’s just proved that hard work pays off and still gonna pay you guys off.

Definitely after all of this time, I can say that #NaDocdefAko for every single Docdef gig. My salute goes to these guys!

So if you haven't heard any good music lately, I suggest you hop on to any of their events, and I guaranteed you total satisfaction right there!

P.S. So, those random blog reviews about DocDef Productions were right. Seriously, I can attest to what they stated there.

Author: slickmaster | © 2015 september twenty-eight productions

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