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Saturday, November 07, 2015

The Scene Around: The Last Revolver Gig Part 2

11/7/2015 3:10:21 PM

As of this writing I am about to write new entries. 

Well, not really “new” since I have tons of backlogs on my list as a blogger. Sure, I did numerous commentaries, features, rantings, and even writing about the events I personally attended. Especially when we’re talking about music scene or specifically, gigs.
REVOLVER is not just a word. It carries a lot of definition. It can be a firearm. It could be even a title of anything else.

Though here in the country, aside from being a title of a column in PULP Magazine and a studio business, Revolver is a gig production group. Operated by Cris O. Ramos Jr., REVOLVER was in the scene for eleven years. And too bad for a novice gig-goer like me, I only attended their event once; and that was during their final night at SaGuijo.

As far as my social media ‘stalking’ skills (LOL) are concerned, The Last Revolver Gig was divided into two parts. August 19 and 29. And off I went to the second (err, the very last) one. And it’s almost midnight when I get into the venue after some tough grind and trip along the way (so there are quite few musicians left to perform).

But before everything went into fold by around 2 in the morning, Paranoid City perhaps gave the very final curtain call for REVOLVER. Hearing their last song for their set was more than just a farewell-on-a-high-note as several musicians share the stage for making noise one last time.

Say, eleven years was definitely a great long run. And at least, for one, I managed to be there and witnessed a REVOLVER gig. FAREWELL and CHEERS!

Author: slickmaster | ©2015 september twenty-eight productions

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