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Saturday, December 05, 2015

The Scene Around: The Rest is Noise 7

11/30/2015 8:17:29 PM

In three weeks, Vandals on the Wal will have a yearender edition of their bimonthly gig called The Rest is Noise.

This time, though, will be a one-time showing in December at Route 196. But before anything else, let’s take a lookback… to the seventh installment.

It was a crazy rainy night, and I just came off a workshop at Alabang. While some bars were forced to close due to inclement weather, Route 196 and Vandals stay put; maybe because people still wanted to hear live music as if it’s a cure to their chillin’ state of soul.

Well, I think despite the ravage of the storm, the venue stood stall as a lot of goers stormed by to hear the likes of Bullet Dumas, Autotelic, Rusty Machines, Ang Bandang Shirley, We Are Imaginary, and Oh, Flamingo!

Yeah, the gig may be over by 2 AM but I managed to go home by 7:00 AM the following day. Perhaps, saved the best gig on a rainy day.

Author: slickmaster | ©2015 september twenty-eight productions

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