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08 March 2017

The Rundown Slam: PWR Path Of Gold 2017

03/07/2017 10:08:53 PM

Looks like after two shows, Philippine wrestling is at least back into their mold, to where they last left off. And it wasn't just a new chapter that unfolded recently; they looked like they're back on track and will be rolling non-stop with new faces and thrills showcased two Sundays ago at the Philippine Wrestling Revolution's latest event Path Of Gold.

If you came on time (as in 2:00PM), the event had an impressive pre-show with Evan Caleux winning in his debut contest – by submission. And before the main card took over the squared circle, PWR proved why every fan SHOULD NOT missed a pre-show match as the special attraction involving Billy Suede went on place. 

However, a groin injury sustained Blackzilla could've made that segment more awesome. 

Funny how the first two matches went on. At least, they made the flow keep on going despite an early slump during the afternoon. At least Rederick Mahaba made use of the time for his lengthy promo. Peter Versoza's first title defense match made Main Maxx more of a star than what it is suppsoed to be (or probably, that's just me?). 

However, I think this make both characters improve some more soon as the progresses on their respective paths. It's just kinda sad that this match fell a bit short compared to their showing at Bagong Yugto – all that despite seeing Main Maxx having more angst.

It kinda made me sad that The Apocalypse didn't win over John Sebastian and Jake De Leon; but I guess his frustrations writes another page in his character soon – being the destructive force the way he should've been since their MCS days.

The Path of Gold was quite bigger than their showing last year; and probably it helped that the match over-delivered in a very good way. I almost got disappointed when Bombay Suarez wasn't part of the supposedly 20-man gauntlet battle. Until the 21st suit up after a quarter-of-an-hour (or so).

Maybe a Chris Panzer victory came under the radar for me. But if reading between the lines of every story the wrestling presses have said online, the Path Of Gold might be like a story for his redemption. Interesting to see how this feud between him and John Sebastian will brew come PWR Mainit. After all, seeing him versus Ken Warren is like a rugged version of Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn – destined to fight forever but got some rusts after so long.

Heck, I even thought Bombay will be a stealer on this one; or probably Chino – despite being a heel – earn a lot of raves and respect; potentially living up to his monicker of “the prized boy.”

And sometimes, the aftermath of this big match poises a lot of questions for me: like will we ever see the another big step to establish women's wrestling here in the country? Where will Ralph Imabayashi go next? How will the Network get their act soon after a framed up/accident elimination involving the trio? And with Rederick Mahaba injured and The Apocalypse granting a title shot against Versoza, how will this story find its heat back (or not at all, they are gaining either way)?

I'll say PWR Path Of Gold overcame a somewhat-flat start with solid matches that were solid enough to hold the fort in the latter part of the afternoon; leaving everyone in awe and puzzled minds away from their expectations. I think that's the magic of storytelling in wrestling.

Verdict: 8/10

Author: slickmaster | © 2017 september twenty-eight productions

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