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Monday, July 10, 2017

PlayBack: Banna Harbera - Sorrys & Goodbyes (music video)

07/07/2017 05:38:52 PM

It's a rainy day on a raining soul like yours, and probably the playlist will go on pouring like the water from up there and the ones from your eyes and glands. Just when you thought that music can be deceiving by making sad lyrics danceable like pop, some soulful blends will make you cry and remind of how demise of a relationship can be so bad that you have to look at the brighter side. 

Just like this music video that may look partly-colorless and too slow-paced for most of the time. However, they are just showing the exact figurative displays on their emotions. 

Banna Harbera may have just defied themselves for some reasons for this. Sorrys and Goodbyes are actually the first and so far, most dramatic song they have made since their formation. And this,  apparently, is their first music video. 

Now that made it special, especially when it took them barely two months since launching it in SaGuijo. Who says summer nights can't be emotionally hot with that?

Author: slickmaster | © 2017 The SlickMaster's Files

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