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19 December 2020

More employees want to stick to 'new normal' way of working

11/24/2020 12:11:47 AM

Imagine how the pandemic has paralyzed the workforce from different inudstries for a while and forced them adopt a shift to new norms since then.

As a result, Kaspersky has revealed through its recent global research that 74 percent of the 8,000 SMB workers across multiple industries have thought of rethinking their old, usual ways of working. Instead of returning to business as usual, workers worldwide are now shaping a future of business on their terms, whether that’s spending more time with loved ones (47%), saving money (41%), or working remotely (32%).

With the shift to remote workforce in full-yet-overwhelming fashion, business leaders are now facing the need to adapt fast to remain secure and resilient. On the other hand, employees – foreseen in the driving seat – are taking advantage of the timebeing as a leeway to do changes and opportunities to reassess yesterday’s priorities, as well as planning a future around what really matters to them. 

In casting off the shackles of previously rigid job routines, employees are rethinking the next normal for work, inspiring more agile, accommodating, and humane work cultures. Moving forward, almost two in five workers (39%) want to leave behind the 9-5 working structure, and this figure is even greater for those aged 25-34 (44%), suggesting a growing trend. A similar number (34%) are ready to see the back of fixed office desks, and around a third (32%) want to end the five-day working week.

Through its press release, the global cybersecurity firm-commissioned research also highlighted that nearly a third (32%) of employees see remote working as the third greatest benefit which comes as a by-product of the novel coronavirus, after spending time with family (47%) and saving money (41%). In fact, most of the advantages revolve around pursuing new opportunities for personal enrichment outside of work, as getting that work-life balance becomes even more important.

Yet as employees continue to embrace more forward-thinking and flexible ways of working, it is critical that businesses augment and adapt the support they provide. Given that well over a third (38%) of the workforce actively seeks more technology support from their organization when working remotely, the need to provide the tools and technology to keep users productive, connected and secure has never been greater.

All that being said, Kaspersky is recommending the following steps in order for organizations to become more cyber-aware.
  • Empower employees to become more cyber-aware. Whether you’re working from home or in a cafĂ©, remote working inspires a completely new shift in the behaviour and mindset of employees.
  • Boost your workforce’s cyber-knowledge with Kaspersky Automated Security Awareness Platform.
  • Take key data protection measures to safeguard corporate data and devices, including switching on password protection, encrypting work devices, and ensuring data is backed up.
  • Build security inside and outside of the office. Securing employees at their desks or on the go regardless of the device they’re using is now easier than ever through solutions such as Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud.
See the ‘Securing the Future of Work’ report for more information. To find out more about Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud and how it can deliver robust protection against evolving threats, visit the website.

Author: slickmaster | © 2020 The SlickMaster's Files

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