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15 January 2021

Ihasamic! and Wovensound produce the 4-track REPACK EP plus is short film counterpart

01/08/2021 08:54:00 PM

These two talented music individuals are teaming up together to release collaborative work like no other.

Singapore hip-hop/visual artist Ihasamic! Has recently teamed up with producer Wovensound for the release of REPACK

Containing four songs and a short film, this visual album possesses infectious songs and an impeccable direction about a person who's battling issues about his mental health in a somewhat cynical manner and coping up on how to redesign yourself in certain times.
“These 4 tracks were meant to be like a short, reflective therapy session,” said Wovensound. “They cover the theme of repetition and mundane cycles that we go through daily, on a much more personal level - an internalized conflict instead of an externalized struggle. Ihasamic! wanted it to play like a slice-of-life story that loops daily, when repackaged into a different vessel, will you be able to tell the same shit apart on different days? That’s the question that pops in our head during the entire production process.”
This audio-visual record is released through Umami Records, features three local artists in CHAE, Shai and Raina Sum, and also contains a commentary on mental health awareness.
“Sonically the EP is played in a cinematic way, four acts one after another, and makes sense when repeated start to end in a loop,” added the rap artist Ihasmaic. “The visuals of the accompanying short film completes it.” 
The Ihasamic!-directed short film weaves the entire EP into a visual story that mirrors the musical journey of REPACK. The 10-minuter premiered to fully sold-out screenings on 7 January 2021 at the UltraSuperNew Gallery, Singapore. 

In related news, the two artists – Wovensound and Ihasamic! – are collaborating for an upcoming project titled Vertigos Fulfilled. The 6-track EP is set to release later in June. 

Author: slickmaster | © 2021 The SlickMaster's Files

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