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24 April 2013

Bloody Terror Week

2:51:30 AM | 4/24/2013 | Wednesday

It was a bloody hell week at The US-of-A.  Explosions were turned into major news items. An alarming incident of a possible terrorism attack. You wonder how that happened? Me neither.

It was an explosion that triggered a major turnaround for the United States of America, as one of the world’s oldest and longest-running sports event in history was bombed, leaving three casualties and hundreds injured.

A lot of speculations arisen. Could it be another terror attack? Maybe, but who’s to blame? The country that is threatening on a nuclear kind of manner? It’s easy to say or to judge, considering thaqt the North Korea was on the spotlight against their southern counterpart.

Until the FBI posted the video of the suspects on YouTube. Caught in the shot of a famous crime-busting device known as the closed circuit television camera.

The upside though is that the bombers were suppressed by the authorities, with one of them died; and the other in serious sick bay after a long chase and engaging fire shots with them. All that came within a week after that horrendous explosion at Boston, Massachusetts.

The case was filed, and reports about it are still at works.  I don’t know if the explosion at the a fertiliser plant in Texas, USA was another thing in related to the Boston explosion. But that’s another black eye for them either, with 35 killed. Plus the incident was more described by its survivors by this way: “It looked like an explosion of a nuclear bomb.” Yikes.

Well, going back to the case of bombing at the Boston maraton... let’s see what will happen on the next couple of days and weeks.

Author: slickamster | (c) 2013 september twenty-eight productions

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