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Thursday, December 10, 2015

PlayBack: Paranoid City – Cold Hearts

12/8/2015 8:57:44 PM 

It’s December. Countdown’s literally dwindling by number. The holiday spirit is up. Everyone’s jolly. And wait a second: you’re... down? Heartbroken? She just dumped you, refrain from giving you a chance to be his girl, and even threw your present that costs a thousand bucks?

Well, it’s fine. Life’s always been like that. Just don’t tell me you’re the newest member of the so-called Samahan ng mga Malalamig ang Pasko, please?
‘Cause you shouldn’t be.

But if you insist, I got a better alternative for you. My friend 8BIT and his bandmates from Paranoid City will keep you company with Cold Hearts (in December).

Not really a mellow type but not an upbeat synth song either, with perhaps a timely holiday track for somebody who just wishses himself a Merry Christmas, despite having struggles for changing his life. Something that might sound like those kids who wanted a ‘gift’ even if it doesn’t come from Santa Claus.

Say, err, Santa... I was a still good man, right? (flashing those angelic grins. LOL!)

Verdict: 7.5

Author: slickmaster | ©2015 september twenty-eight productions

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