12/12/2015 11:50:01 AM
Indie music production group Docdef Productions has celebrated a milestone of organizing 100 gigs since their inception nearly three years ago (well, as I am writing this piece, it’s been already three years) by teaming up with Flow Hose Manila and establishing In D’ Flow.
In D’ Flow was not just an ordinary concert. It’s a heck-of-a-lifestyle event as Flow House’s specialty Flow Rider was available for VIP ticket-holders, as well as witnessing the live art exhibition by BVDOT, Frank, Doom and Cinos.
Cinos (DP) |
Also, there’s a skate board art contest, live DJ sets from Bass Relief, Ize, 199x, FXXXYBlnt, and The BGNR; and the specialty of the all—the live music extravaganza from the following: Graceson, Alasmedya, Run Dorothy, Fools and Foes, Five-Story Fire, Tom’s Story, She’s Only Sixteen, Ube, Gabe Piolo, Banna Harbera, MilesExperience, Tonight We Sleep, Mr. Bones and the Boneyard Circus, TheSunManager, SUD, Lions and Acrobats, Autotelic, Mayonnaise, Jensen and the Flips, Farewell Fair Weather, Oh, Flamingo!, and Dayaw.
All those stuff ran on Saturday, 28 November 2015 from noontime ‘til dawn.
Witnessing the concert alone, it’s actually the first time I watched Mr. Bones and the Boneyard Circus and Mayonnaise live and up close. Well, I could’ve count the former during the 2015 Jack Daniel’s Indie Music Awards but I was doing prod duties that time.
Well, I was still doing them here at In D’ Flow' however, seeing this band rocking the hell out of everyone on Flow House was a mere loud-and-worthy one. No wonder why the Boneyard Circus made it big in the music industry.
As for Mayonnaise, (well, I’ve said this before in one of my previous posts) it’s definitely worth the wait. After merely a decade since they hit the mainstream, I finally watched them LIVE and LOUD. Now that’s a wild thing to hit midnight!
Apart from being a ‘first-time’ watchers, I’ll say nothing beats gracing the sunset while listening to Tom’s Story. Also, Autotelic, Lions and Acrobats, Jensen and the Flips, and SUD had their wildest sets for the evening turning the concert area into literally-rocking moshpit sessions at their respective time.
Now, couldn’t I be more prouder than that? And it was also Oh, Flamingo!’s first gig since winning the Wanderband contest; meaning they will also join the likes of Death Cab for Cutie and Bon Iver for next year's Wanderland. Say, can we count that as a "double celebration," considering their EP launch a few weeks ago topped Route 196's attendance record? Congratulations!
I know it’s quite early to bade goodbye but this is the last gig that rocked 2015. Well, for me.
Five-Story Fire |
Farewell Fair Weather |
Tom's Story |
Oh, Flamingo! |
Autotelic (with Carlo Maraigan of Jensen and the Flips) |
Dayaw |
Lions and Acrobats |
Jensen and the Flips |
Banna Harbera |
Fools and Foes |
She's Only Sixteen |
Mayonnaise (DP) |
P.S. Thanks for Bacardi, the fantastic prize I won during the evening. No wonder I was wild as fuck (but not totally drunk. LOL!).
Author: slickmaster | ©2015 september twenty-eight productions
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