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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

PlayBack: Burn Mercado – 43 Sunsets

07/04/2016 04:42:08 PM

When it rains, it pours. And it's so typical we get more emotional tracks on an ordinary rainy day. And even if those #emo tracks were almost invisible to point in the current circulation, #hugot tracks had take over the scene. And it doesn't necessarily need to penetrate the charts for its presence to be more evident.

Take Burn Mercado for example. The singer-songwriter for the band called The Putings recalls a stuck-in-rainfall experience – plus injecting the reference of The Little Prince – prompted him to publish a melodrama-acoustic 43 Sunsets in much quicker than a stormy disturbance.

Talk about longing for someone's sun ray; missing the summer in either imaginable way of literal and figurative, the need of love language called touch. And the only way to say “I miss you” or “I need you right now” is through a song that's straightforward. Without any poetic elements.

And the more it's straight to the point, the clearer intentions, and more beautiful message just conveyed.

Author: slickmaster | © 2016 september twenty-eight productions

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